Where to Buy Nick Earls Books

If you’re looking for signed books and use PayPal, I have some stock of most, and I’d be happy to arrange something. Email me at nickearlsauthor at gmail dot com. Some Wisdom Tree novellas are now out of print, but I saw that coming and bought up some of the final stock, specifically so that I can offer signed sets (set of five for the price of four, ie, $60, plus postage).

If you’re in Australia and interested in buying either paper or ebooks, my author page at Booktopia aims to stock everything currently available. I’d be very happy to list any other Australian retailers who are prepared to stock all of my in-print books, provide a simple link to a webpage with all of them on it, and mail anywhere for a reasonable fee.

If you’re in Australia and interested in my back-in-print books published by Allen & Unwin’s House of Books (Perfect Skin, Monica Bloom, The Thompson Gunner, Making Laws for Clouds and now Green – the big fat bind-up combining World of Chickens, the five stories from Headgames featuring the same characters PLUS a brand new story to bring them into the present), the Allen & Unwin site has a page listing all retailers selling the ebooks. Paper books can apparently be ordered from any book retailer or purchased directly from the Allen & Unwin site here.

If you’re outside Australia and read on a Kindle or using the Kindle app try my Amazon author page with Kindle listing. My international ebook publisher Exciting Press has been releasing my work outside Australia and NZ in the iBookstore.

In Australia/NZ, my Wisdom Tree novellas are available on paper widely and as ebooks through Amazon, Apple/iTunes, Kobo, Ebooks.com, Ebrary, Netlibrary, Read How You Want, Google, Overdrive, Copia, Wheelers, Baker Taylor, CoreSource/Ingrams and Bolinda. Elsewhere, Exciting Press editions are available in the Amazon Kindle Store.

The audiobooks of the Wisdom Tree series are available through Audible worldwide.

12 Responses to Where to Buy Nick Earls Books

  1. Heather says:

    Hi Nick! Many moons ago I remember reading a short story of yours about a shopping mall that kept growing and growing, and people lived out their whole live on the travellators. Over the years I’ve told loads of people about that story, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called or what collection of your short stories it’s in. Can you please stop me driving myself crazy trying to remember and tell me so I can get hold of a copy and read it again?? Thank you!

    • nickearls says:

      It was called Plaza and it was in Headgames in 1999 (it might also have been in Passion in 1992). While I wrote it using some now-inaccessible 20th-century word processing software, I happened to get a file of the published version of Headgames not so long ago. It may have another life in future, but not this year at least. So, c/- a quick copy and paste, I’ll email you a copy now (assuming your email address attached to this post is current). Thanks for asking about it.

  2. Kate Gordon says:

    Oh Nick,
    I just saw this and am unashamedly going to latch on and say I loved this story too and I’d love to read it again if it’s at all possible. I sound like a grovelling fangirl … which is, essentially, what I am, I suppose. I’d often wondered if I’d get a chance to read that story again. It was a good ‘un!

  3. JB says:

    Hey Nick,
    When does Tumble Turn come out? Thanks. Can’t wait.

    • nickearls says:

      It’s actually a new name for a book that came out in Australia a few years ago (The Thompson Gunner). If you’re outside Australia, it’s out now as an ebook under the name Tumble Turns, but if you’re in Australia it was recently reissued under the original title as an ebook and print-on-demand paperbook by Allen & Unwin. I must admit I like the new title – it probably shuts fewer people out – though I probably fought to keep the original one when I first wrote the book. Sorry if it happens not to be new to you and the new name had you thinking it was.

      • JB says:

        Thanks for the reply, Nick. I’ll look it up under The Thompson Gunner. And yes you’re right I think I would have been more likely to read it with the title Tumble Turns.
        I’m a huge fan. People always describe music as the soundtrack of a particular stage of their lives. Your books are part of the “mindscape” of my mid twenties. So thanks and best wishes. I hope there’s many more books to come.

      • nickearls says:

        Thanks JB. It’s nice to know my books got to do that. And I do hope there’ll be plenty more. That’s certainly the plan.

  4. jp says:

    I too loved Plaza it is a story that stayed with me and has short film written all over it.

    I have recently found myself sharing a story from one of your readings (Repeatedly) about the difference between working with Australian Filmakers (practical, brutally honest and pragmatic) and Hollywood where everyone tells you how wonderful you are, how great your story is if only you could change ….everything. Also the crazy clauses in the contract about flights and accommodations.

    I have just been reminded of the cat in the bathroom story (real and fictionalised too).

    Love your work.

    • nickearls says:

      It’s great to hear this – thank you. You have an impressive memory. For a while Plaza was optioned for development into a short film but, like most of these things, it doesn’t seem to have happened. Occasionally it does though, even if I’m still waiting for some of the more glamorous clauses to come into effect. Still happy to take any free lunch on a local film set in the meantime though.

  5. Morgan says:

    Hi Nick,

    Just wondering if you’re spoken word album “10 things you should know about sex”, in particular the track “Stationary” is available to buy anywhere? It doesn’t seem to be available on iTunes or or your Booktopia site.

    • nickearls says:

      Let me talk to someone at the vast media company behind the project. (It’s one guy, so I should be able to get to the right person.) One way or another, we should be able to make something work, even if we end up going 90s and I send you a CD.

      And sorry to take so long to get back to you. I have plenty of excuses, but none of them will get the reply to you any faster.

    • nickearls says:

      … and the CD turns out to be the option, if you can deal with that. Just email me your address and I’ll get one to you (I’m nickearlsauthor at gmail dot com).

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