How Things Work Here at the Moment

To my hardy band of subscribers, thanks for signing up and apologies right now that this isn’t some insightful/hilarious/memorable post about a topic of interest. It’s just that the most recent post is the thing people land on, so I thought I’d use a new one to explain myself (something for which the previous post is less than ideal).

In a world in which more prolific, or perhaps more journalistic, writers have turned to Substack, Patreon, podcasts and other ways to make a living from putting out regular content, I’ve worked out that’s just not me. I’m not a ‘regular content’ person. I don’t have enough bite-sized ideas or enough room in my brain to find them or do something compelling with them. To look at it in a WordPress context, I’m not a natural blogger. And, if I try to be, I don’t find myself thinking about much else.

If, during all those years of sometimes blogging, I had done it in a way that drew a big crowd, it might make business sense to keep doing it, but you always remained a relatively elite bunch. Thanks all for joining me while I was throwing blog content your way.

I got off social media in early 2022 and let this blog slide then too. I have no plans at the moment to get back on social media. My head is clearer without it. The world is not improved by me becoming a ranty old man or turning up to be ranted at by other ranty people. A virtual town square, they said all those years ago, but they didn’t say it was a virtual town square where quite a few people turn up wanting to punch someone (maybe anyone) in the virtual face.

So, not getting back on social media and not planning a lot of blogging, but at the same time I’ve decided not to shut this site down. That’s mostly in case anyone wants to book me for a school or other event (or surprise lucrative writing task) and is googling my name to find a way to do it. It felt smarter to have current info here than to leave out-of-date info floating around, with the last thing being news of a major cardiothoracic procedure. So, I got through that, and the rehab, I’m alive and kicking, and workshopping and talking, and I’ve updated the content behind the relevant tabs above.

And that’s how things work here at the moment. Thanks for dropping in.

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